Monday, January 31, 2011

Obiee Cross conditional formatting on a pivot

OBIEE does not support cross column conditional formatting in Pivot Tables.
For instance, it's not possible to set a red background of a column based on the value of an other column.
Below is a workaround to be able to perform this kind of formatting and the principal idea is to transform a table view in a pivot table.

What is a pivot table ?

A pivot table is just the same table where :
  • the pivot column has been suppressed
  • for each distinct value of the pivot column, a column with a conditional sum is created.
Example :
If I want to pivot this table from the SH schema :
Promo CategoryChannel DescAmount Sold
internetDirect Sales2,658,953
NO PROMOTIONDirect Sales115,549,450
NO PROMOTIONInternet26,154,910
NO PROMOTIONPartners51,682,188
postTele Sales554,853
TVDirect Sales696,703
If the pivot column is the column “Channel Desc”, we have 5 distinct values :
Direct Sales
Tele Sales
And the pivot table will result of this sql statement :
   "Promo Category",
   sum(case "Channel Desc" = 'Direct Sales' then Amount Sold else 0 end) "Direct Sales",
   sum(case "Channel Desc" = 'Internet' then Amount Sold else 0 end) "Internet",
   sum(case "Channel Desc" = 'Partners' then Amount Sold else 0 end) "Partners",
   sum(case "Channel Desc" = 'Tele Sales' then Amount Sold else 0 end) "Tele Sales"
   "Promo Category";

Transformation of a table in a pivot table

For the query above, we need 6 column :
  • one for the “Promo Category”
  • 4 formula columns for each distinct value of the “Channel Desc”
  • one for the cross conditional formatting
In each formula column and for each distinct value of “Channel Desc”, enter a filter formula.
Below an example for the value 'Direct Sales' :
FILTER("Sales Facts"."Amount Sold" USING (Channels."Channel Desc" = 'Direct Sales'))
And here for the value “Internet” :

Conditional Formatting

After completing the last three columns, it's finally possible to apply a formatting and to hide the conditional column.

The Result

This method has a weak point is that you must know the number of distinct value in advance. For instance, if a new distinct value appear in the column “Channel Desc”, you must change your report.
To resolve this issue, you can also achieve a pivot statement with a stored procedure or wait for this functionality.
Below the pivot view :

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